Meniscal Tear
What is a ligament?
A fibrous band that connects bone to bone
What is a tendon?
A fibrous band that connects bone to muscle.
What are tears?
Small injuries to the ligament/tendon that creates pain and weakness.
What is a full-thickness tear?
A total tear off of the bone usually requiring surgical repair.
Where are they found and can they cause pain?
All over the body, and yes, they can cause pain if even slightly torn.
Severe pain
Audible popping/snapping noise at the time of the injury
Immediately following a ligament injury or tear, follow the RICE protocol by resting the knee, applying ice to the injured area, wrap the knee in a compression bandage, and elevate the leg.
Taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication may help reduce pain and swelling associated with the injury.
For injuries that result in small tears, but not full thickness, cortisone injections may help to temporarily diminish the inflammation and give pain relief.
If pain continues, regenerative treatments can assist in healing of the tears.
To learn more about how these treatments can help relieve the pain of your pain conditions, call the office or book an appointment online by visiting the patient center.